Final Update - 2/28/2017
As of 3:00pm, we believe the Canvas learning management system outage to be resolved. We have received notification from the vendor that all systems are working again.
The underlying issue was an Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage; AWS hosts the Canvas application. Instructure (maker of Canvas) has acknowledged that this disruption caused very serious problems for its customers. The company has also indicated that they are considering all options to prevent this type of issue from reoccurring. For its part, in the coming days and weeks, OSU will work with Instructure to ensure that steps are taken to improve the reliability of the service.
Thanks for your patience during this disruption of service. If you continue to have problems, or have any questions or concerns regarding this incident, please contact the Service Desk.
1:40 p.m. UPDATE
We continue to experience issues with the availability of the Canvas learning management system. As of this writing, some portions of the Canvas system are available, but performance is uneven and some functionality (such as uploading files) does not work.
We will publish another update when service is fully restored. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this incident, please contact the Service Desk.
1:00 p.m. UPDATE
We continue to experience issues with the availability of the Canvas learning management system.
Beginning today at approximately 9:40 AM PST, the Canvas learning management system became unavailable. This appears related to an issue with Amazon Web Services which hosts Canvas; because of this, other cloud-hosted services may be impacted as well. Timeframe for restoration of service is unknown at this time. We will provide another update at 3:00PM PST.
Instructors who rely on Canvas for course activities will need to consider other options. Course materials are not available; students do not have a way to submit assignments or quizzes.You may want to consider the impact of this on your students.
If you need to contact your students for a particular class, you can email the class using an Outlook distribution list. For instructions, see
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this incident, please contact the Service Desk.
Beginning today at approximately 9:40 AM PST, the Canvas learning management system became unavailable. This appears to be an issue with the Canvas hosting environment on Amazon; because of this, other cloud services may be impacted also. Timeframe for restoration of service is unknown at this time. We will provide another update at 1:00 PST.
Instructors who rely on Canvas for classroom activities will need to consider other options. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this incident, please contact the Service Desk.